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Home > IT - Information Technology > Making a great password
Making a great password
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Making A Strong but easy to remember Password

Let's Start with MHA's Password Policy

All Passwords must:

  • Have at least one each of the following character types:
    • Capital letters (A-Z)
    • Lower case letters (a-z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • One of these symbols:    !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  *  (  )
  • Contain a minimum of 10 characters from the four groups listed above
  • Your password must not contain common words or substitutes.
  • Your password must not contain your name, username, or more than 2 sequential characters from either.

    • E.g., “John Smith”  Can’t use ( John123 , JohSmi123, or John!23$mith)
  • Be changed at least once every 90 days
  • Use Password Phrases whenever possible. (BECAUSE THEY WORK!!!) ðŸ˜€


Creating Password Phrases that work!

(Choose a Phrase)  This MHA Password Stuff Is Really Hard To Remember!

(Use first letters only)   T      m      p     s       i     r      H     2     r     !

(Convert some of the letters into numbers and symbols - Your Final Password =) TmpsirH2r!



Now Everyone Can Make a Passphrase That They Can Remember!

N   e    c   m   a    p    t     t     c    r    !




Some Great Places to find Password Phrases!


Music:   (by Dead or Alive)

You spin me right round baby right round like a record player...



Quotables: (By John Lennon)

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans!



Movies:  (Wizard of OZ)

Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.



Books:  (By William Shakespeare)

This Above all, to thine own self be true.





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